简介:1975年10月2日,意大利导演皮埃尔·保罗·帕索里尼(Tony Poli 饰)的尸体在罗马海边的奥斯蒂亚小镇被发现。这位曾拍出惊世骇俗『索多玛120天』的后现代导演死状悲惨,不但全身瘀伤,而且有被自己的轿车辗压过的痕迹。轿车稍后在一个17岁的街头男妓皮诺(Miles Szanto 饰)手里被发现。电影以黑白影像试图还原帕索里尼生前的最后一夜。究竟当晚发生了什么?堪称世纪天才的艺术家,为什么会和一个稚嫩男妓发生交集?一个关于欲望和背叛的黑暗故事,其实谁也没能走进谁的世界。本片入围第6届Iris同志短片大
主演:Thomas James Longley Lauren Kellegher Gabriella Montrose
简介:Set during a nuclear disaster, a group of students are trapped in a school. While some desire to build a new society, a few attempt to subvert the situation for their own purposes.
简介:Ali, geçirdiği bir kaza sonucu hafızasını kaybeder. Çevresindeki herkes, kendilerini Ali'nin kafa karışıklığı ile gelen bir karmaşanın içinde bulurlar. Elden ele dolaşan, sahibini arayan değerli bir yüzük, uzak bir hırsızlık hikâyesi ve yalan bir pol
简介:MTV旗下频道LOGO资助拍摄的独立短片系列之一。 Transient is a poignant meditation on the nature of love and relationships. It's and 'end of love story that treverses themes of travel, capitalism, l
简介:In August 2012, mineworkers in one of South Africa's biggest platinum mines began a wildcat strike for better wages. Six days into the strike, the police used live ammunition to brutally suppress it, killing 34 and injuring many more. The police insi