简介:Wildlife filmmaker Zoltán Török has chosen Sweden as his home. Two decades after he started his career here, he embarks on a journey with his family. They want to see how their beloved Nordic country's nature has shifted since they first arrived. It's an
简介:"EL AGUJERITO", un documental sobre la icónica disquería fundada a finales de los '60 por los hermanos Epstein. Ubicada en la famosa Galería del Este, marcó a una generación de artistas de nuestro rock nacional y la cultura.
简介:Assistant Manager Kim, who works as a social worker, follows Manager Park to understand the living conditions of the elderly in the neighborhood. During the process, she hears about Manager Park's heartbreaking story, from an abandoned house...
简介:Terrestrial life reached a very far away planet after a long odyssey through space, via microorganisms in meteorites. Night is eternal. Humans carry with them their dream of reproducing their past life, but their luggage also includes ancestral fears and
简介:在1563年特伦托会议(Council of Trent)的最后一次会议上,梵蒂冈神学家们坚决支持使用神圣图像和圣像,以对抗宗教改革对偶像崇拜的指控,这导致欧洲对美术的投资激增,包括首次囊括了女性艺术家。索福尼斯巴·安圭索拉(Sofonisba Anguissola)是第一位职业女性宫廷画家,她创作了大量描绘欧洲最杰出的贵族和政要的作品。但在她的整个职业生涯中,她一次又一次地回到最让她着迷的主题:她自己。《反宗教改革》是一部非传统的论文式纪录片,它厘清了政治、宗教、历史和自画像的线索,引导电影人审视她个人