简介:After witnessing his wife's brutal murder, Daniel Shergold makes the ultimate sacrifice and accepts the help of a dark and mysterious stranger in order to reap vengeance on those responsible.
简介:故事发生在繁华都市芝加哥,在一片灯红酒绿之间,山姆(克里斯·海姆斯沃斯 Chris Hemsworth 饰)和妻子莱斯利(维多利亚·普罗费塔 Victoria Profeta 饰)背负着还房贷的巨大压力过着入不敷出的生活。一次偶然中,山姆驾车从立交桥下驶过,一笔巨款竟然从天而降,囊中羞涩的山姆无法对这笔不义之财视而不见,拿着这笔钱,他和妻子不仅还清了房贷,还买了一辆拉风的越野车。还沉浸在一夜暴富的喜悦之中的山姆没有发现,他早已大难临头。这笔巨款来自一个名叫派克(肖恩·宾 Sean Bean 饰)的罪犯,
简介:The script needed strengthening but regardless it is still a solid short film, 9 June 2007Author: bob the moo from Birmingham, UKA turf war between the reds and the blues must be settled one way or another and, to limit bloodshed through retaliation, th
简介:Guitarist, songwriter and artist Rowland S. Howard was an instrumental figure in the Australian rock scene, particularly renowned for his role in seminal post-punk outfit The Birthday Party. In a career spanning 30 years Howard worked with the best artist