简介:Guided by the wisdom of Ininew astronomer Wilfred Buck, this immersive experience shares four Cree star stories, exploring the cosmos to teach us how to live a good life with future generations in mind.
简介:Through intimate, real-life phone calls with their granddaughters, grandmothers share confessions of love, heartbreak, and loss, reflecting on the shared experiences of womanhood across generations.
简介:Auf dem Berg Bürglkopf in Tirol befindet sich, weit abgelegen auf 1.300 Metern Höhe, ein sogenanntes Rückkehrberatungszentrum, in dem Personen mit abgelehnten und offenen Asylverfahren untergebracht sind. Mit Hilfe von „Rückkehrberatung“, vor allem aber u
简介:Sarah, la quarantaine, est au bord du burn out. Ses fils de 9 et 5 ans lui prennent tout son temps, son mari étant constamment en déplacement professionnel. Après avoir disparu le temps de quelques minutes à la plage, Simon devient étrange. Il passe des h
简介:While walking, the main character hears his mother's voice from the forest through headphones and decides to follow it, but after a strange experience, an unexpected discovery awaits him.
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Immersive Non-Fiction In an intimate space it can feel slightly uncomfortable, voyeuristic even, to watch Lisa Schamlé draped as a living part of her own perf
简介:IDFA DocLab Competition for Immersive Non-Fiction Structured as a hypnosis session, this is a trip through an abandoned apartment in the Ukrainian region of Donbas, which has been occupi