简介:《大侦探波洛》第五季共8集,于1993年播出,每集片长50分钟,均改编自短篇小说,这也是本系列剧的最后一个短篇季。1、The Adventure of the Egyptian Tomb 埃及墓地历险记2、The Underdog 弱者的愤怒3、The Yellow Iris 黄色鸢尾4、The Case of the Missing Will 遗嘱失踪案5、The Adventure of the Italian Nobleman 意大利贵族奇遇记6、The Chocolate Box 巧克
简介:My Family and Other Animals is an autobiographical work by naturalist Gerald Durrell, telling of the part of his childhood he spent on the Greek island of Corfu between 1935 and 1939. It describes the life of the Durrell Family on the island in a humorous
主演:Jodie Dorday - Jodie Shane Cortese - Brian Carrie McLaughlin - Theresa Ingrid Park - Denise Rebecca Hobbs - Gerri
简介:Jodie和她的三个朋友是平凡普通的新西兰妇女,她们经常聚在一起举行茶话会。某天,Jodie表示她希望她的丈夫Brian死去。当她回到家里时,她发现Brian死在了厨房地板上。这让她感到惊慌失措,她害怕因此而被监禁。她向她的朋友们寻求帮助,并决定将Brian偷偷埋葬在一块空地里。而在生活中,她们假装Brian已为另一个女子远走他方……Burying Brian is a New Zealand television series produced by Eyeworks Touchdown which
主演:Clara Bow Ernest Torrence Charlotte Bird Ford Sterling Percy Marmont Eugene Pallette Tom Kennedy Josephine Crowell William Orlamond Charles Stevens Miss DuPont
简介:Charming love story set on the Erie Canal in the mid-19th Century. A farmer works on the canal to earn money to buy a farm. He meets a cook on a canal boat, but she can't even consider leaving the exciting life on the canal for a banal one on a farm.