简介:Crazy Wisdom is the long-awaited feature documentary to explore the life, teachings, and "crazy wisdom" of Chogyam Trungpa, Rinpoche, a pivotal figure in bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. Called a genius, rascal, and social visionary; '
简介:德国80年代柏林著名queer party 迪斯科酒吧 House Of Shame 10年如一日的星期四变性艺人秀,Chantal 从一名普通的吧女逐渐成名为地下同志文化的一个传奇。本片曾参展过柏林电影节和第17届巴黎Chéries-chéris同性恋电影节。 House of Shame is a queer party in Berlin, offering di