简介:四位巴西新浪潮导演联合创作的一部短片集锦。其实不算很“情色”,倒是故事都很值得回味。Comedy in 4 segments. In "Arroz e Feijao" (Rice and Beans), owner of a boarding-house seduces her young countryboy tenant. In "As Tres Virgens" (The Three Virgins) three spinsters are influenc
简介:Surrealism in Barcelona! "Dante no es únicamente severo" ("Dante is not only rigorous") is the manifesto film of "La escuela de Barcelona" ("Barcelona's Film School"). There is no plot, the movie is just one st
简介:Northern Mozambique, on 24 December 1969. During this night the violence of the cross will be the violence of the passions, and courage to defy death, the fear to face life. And some secrets do not resist the dawn.
简介:梦想国度洛杉矶好莱坞,建在半山腰的豪华别墅内,超级明星布伦纳迎来了舒适惬意的早晨。他脱掉睡衣,纵身跃入自家的游泳池中,谁知藏在某处的定时炸弹突然引爆,一代巨星顿时魂归黄泉。此后不久,警方的车辆层层停靠在布伦纳家的门口。拥有隐秘身份的警察吉姆·科里根(Gary Cole 配音)也来到现场,布伦纳的女儿艾米(Alyssa Milano 配音)扑入他怀中失声痛哭,沉稳的吉姆许诺一定会抓住凶手。他从管家手中调取监控录像,并得知了可能涉案人员的名单。夜幕降临,某角落的嫌疑人,突然见到了本该死掉的布伦纳,布伦纳化身绿