简介:Chaika is a love story between a prostitute and a loser sailor, rebuilt between two seasons: the eternal winter of Siberia and the summer in the dusty steppes of Kazakhstan.Young Tursyn comes back home to face what remains of his family: an old nomad abo
简介:Las camas solas (2006, 13 min., color, Peacock Film), de Sandra Gómez Jiménez, es quizás una metáfora sobre la desesperación a través de la historia de un edificio bajo peligro de derrumbe que tiene que ser abandonado por sus habitantes habaneros.
简介:纪录片关于西班牙奔牛节的历史。 One of the most recent documentaries is that of Sanfermines 78 from Juan Gautier and José Angel Jiménez, which was premiered in 2004. It shows collected visual material a