简介:An illegal race that takes place over the United States and nothing will stop this bunch of racers except for the occasional cop or a damsel in distress. Jackie Chan’s car is not in this one, but many new cars make up for that. Who will win? Who will cras
简介:Young Israeli husband Eli Cohen is recruited by the Mossad in the early 1960's and sent to Syria. Telling his wife he has a new job that requires extensive business travel, he takes up residence in Syria, where he befriends a high-ranking Syrian gove
简介:迈克尔·杰克逊自资拍摄电影'Moonwalker',但是并没有得到预期的佳评。在这部电影中,迈克尔·杰克逊将自己塑造成一个漫画主角般,一身短小的西装,一顶压得很低的礼服帽,片中表演了惊人的顷斜45度的舞蹈。这些都成为了迈克尔·杰克逊个人神话中不可替代的标志。此片全场劲歌热舞,令人热血沸腾! 洛杉矶市长Tom Bradley宣布11月为'Michael Jackson Month'。
简介:拉萨雷校长面对警察工作难以及时到位的现状,再出奇思异想,推出“全民警察”计划,由警校负责培训社会志愿者,以加强警民联系。于是乎,马哈尼(斯蒂夫•古根伯格 Steve Guttenberg 饰)、高塔等六人组以及卡拉汉教官再次受命返回学校。与此同时,昔日的教官哈里上尉担心志愿者会影响警察们的工作,对拉萨雷的计划唱起了反调。警察学校方面的各毕业生迅速开展志愿者征集,引发哈里粗暴执法的滑板少年等人纷纷加入,全民警察计划正式启动,然而拉萨雷因为要参加国际警察会议,学校由哈里暂时接管。持反对态度的哈里自然不会给马哈
简介:'Chinese Hip-Hop Underground' is an insider documentary following the story of Weber - one of chinese mainland's first rappers. Weber's uncanny musical talents allow him to spearhead the creation of Chinese rap music - a free form of c