简介:Cita conspires with her stepson to murder her husband, only to face a cruel twist of fate, while Mara, a struggling student caring for a dying patriarch, is caught in the chaos when his estranged son returns.
简介:A performance blending 16mm film, sound loops, music and spoken word. In collaboration with Mariëtte Groot, Janeiro creates a rich soundscape that moves fluidly from karaoke recordings and breathing exercises to synths and acoustic instruments. The visual
简介:Follows Danny and Evie as they go through individual and romantic evolutions, while the moon and all it represents accompany them, also serving as a marker for the passage of time.
简介:Holly Hunter stars as tennis legend Billie Jean King in this highly entertaining flashback to 1973's historic "Battle of the Sexes." When aging, chauvinistic tennis pro Bobby Riggs (Ron Silver) begins to challenge the world's top ladie
简介:Summer is living with her Aunt and trying to cope with the death of her mother, which she believes she caused. As the guilt continues to consume her, nightmares seem to be never ending, and the world around her becomes increasingly menacing and twisted. S
简介:“另一边的背后”是1972年由简·雅顿(女)编剧和执导的一部英国独立制作故事片。它是20世纪70年代唯一的一部完全由一个女人执导拍摄的英国独立制作电影。简·雅顿自己也在影片中客串了一把。电影片名是取自简·雅顿1969年伦敦艺术实验室剧院取得巨大反响和成功的舞台剧“Vagina Rex and the Gas Oven”(阴道脉动(或者翻译成阴道痉挛)和燃气炉)。这部实验电影类型的影片现在在激进(朋克)影迷的心中几乎有着神话般的地位,部分原因是因为它的远见和其对患有精神分裂症的主角的精神状况令人不安的描绘