主演:费尔南达·卡斯蒂略 艾琳·阿苏埃拉 Juan Manuel Bernal Osvaldo Benavides 罗斯·比亚齐 亚历桑德罗·德·拉·马德里德
简介:Power dynamics shift when Cecilia chooses a new CEO for Monarca. Agustín's daughter, Sofía, www.inpian.com returns for his funeral. Martin delves into the past.
简介:关于西班牙第三长河瓜达尔基维尔河的记录片。发源于哈恩省与阿尔瓦塞特省、格拉纳达省三省交界附近的山间谷地,河流先由南向东北方向流,至特兰科-德贝阿斯(Tranco De Beas)水库后转向西南方向流,流经科尔多瓦省、塞维利亚省、韦尔瓦省以及加的斯省,最后在桑卢卡尔-德巴拉梅达附近注入大西洋的加的斯湾。河流全长657km,流域面积约为6.3万平方公里,多年平均径流量66亿立方米。
简介:A group of young travelers are stranded on an island in the Pacific where they struggle to escape an evil presence that has been kept hidden from mankind for centuries.
简介:A princess seeks refuge in a Convent to escape an arranged marriage. A young prince tries to make sense of his station. A giant bird mysteriously appears after centuries of absence. MASLA A PAPANOK (AVE) mixes history, myth, memory and magic to reimagine
简介:故事围绕着著名的墨西哥艺术家弗里达(戴安娜·莱茵 Diana Lein 饰)展开,在她生命的最后几年里,是一位来自哥斯达黎加的护士朱迪丝(玛丽亚·德·梅黛洛 Maria de Medeiros 饰)陪伴在她的身边,悉心的照料着她。一场非常可怕的车祸夺走了弗里达的健康,让她瘫痪在床,整日都沉浸在巨大的肉体和精神的双重痛苦之中,朱迪丝照料弗里达的生活起居,管理着她身体的各项健康指标,同时也作为一名好友,同弗里达一起玩乐,两个女人之间建立了远远超越了医患关系的,更为亲密和坚实的感情。可即便如此,朱迪丝还是眼看
简介:西班牙导演阿拉贡的处女作,获柏林影展甘地奖和最佳导演提名。阿拉贡是处在60年代以CARLOS SAURA为首的“西班牙新浪潮”和80年代以阿尔莫多瓦为主的“新西班牙电影”之间的一代。This Spanish drama explores an encounter between a well-educated mountain-climber and a young shepherdess who has been kept mute by her suffocating family. Lost du
简介:"El Andarín", a mythical guerrilla of the fifties, goes down to the open-air dance. A little girl looks at him with her big eyes. Years later, that girl has become a beautiful woman, Amparo, in love with the member of the resistance. But "E