简介:Sammy Davis Jr. Is roasted on the Dean Martin Celebrity Roast. Featured roasters include Foster Brooks, Milton Berle, Freddie Prinze, and Don Rickles.
简介:James West and Artemus Gordon are two agents of President Grant who take their splendidly appointed private train through the west to fight evil. Half science fiction and half western, the Artemus designs a series of interesting gadgets for James that wou
简介:Dean Martin hosts with several different celebrities that have several sketches of improv that breaks down comedy, race, and sex all at of the same time.
简介:Video series spotlighting memorable moments and roasts hosted by Dean Martin. "Dean Martin Celebrity Roasts" were periodic specials aired in the 1970s and 1980s, which roasted (or honored) such stars as Lucille Ball, Muhammad Ali and Joh