简介:The film based on real events of 1972, recounting the survival of the former prisoner and the main prosecution witness in an action brought by the American authorities Herminie Braustein - Ryan, the former guardian of the camp.Maria goes to New York, whe
简介:Se trata de un documental de una hora grabado en vídeo en la Comisaría de la Mujer y la Ninez de Ciudad Sandino, donde desfilan diariamente todas las expresiones del abuso, la enajenación y la violencia que se experimentan en el seno de la familia, y cuya
简介:A cautionary tale about the myriad shades and shapes of totalitarianism in an irreverent, surreal 1960s mix of styles featuring acerbic Austrian cabaret icon Helmut Qualtinger speaking in tongues. An exemplary, at the time widely lauded work of West Germa