简介:Sebaj Tóbiás ("Tobias NoProblem") is a funny, nice, lovely clay fellow who always gets himself into the strangest situations. However he never loses his cheerfulness and he's always in the good mood because he can change the shape of his bo
简介:2003年秋季,在韩国首尔举办的国际卡通动画节(Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival,SICAF Seoul 2003)上,匈牙利艺术家Ferenc Cakó的沙画作品(Sand Animation)《创世纪》吸引了众多与会者的目光。他曾经用了3-4个月时间来创作这件作品,背景音乐选用的是日本作曲家喜多郎的作品,画面与音乐的完美结合,用细节凸现大气。如果没有录像的介入,这件沙画作品就是一件借助投影仪创作的只有过程的新媒体艺术作品,是没有原作的