简介:Ciro and Marco, a few Euros, an old Beetle and a pinch of madness. A low-budget road movie, light-hearted and fun, into the heart of the popular and musical cinema of the city of Naples. From the pioneer Gustavo Lombardo to Elvira Notari. From Raffaele Vi
简介:New York is the dream city of Tavo and Marina, where the lovers hope to start a better life; at home in Bogota they have to work as pocket pickers at the airport to support their families. Dealer Oskar can persuade them to smuggle drugs in their stomachs
简介:Joey Lauren Adams以确认与Billy Ray Cyrus一同加盟CMT电视台新的单镜头喜剧《Still The King》。该剧目前正在拍摄,并预计于2016年播出。《Still The King》聚焦在由Cyrus扮演的角色Vernon Brown(又名"Burnin' Vernon")上。他曾在20年前凭借一首极为成功的单曲在乡村界混出了名声,然而在此之后他却再也没有获得类似的成功,还卷上了一身的丑闻。不久他就被踢出了乡村音乐界。而现在,他却又因在拉斯维
简介:讲述一个瓜拉尼族少年告别平静的乡村生活来到BsAs打工,在那里遇见了自己的初恋,却也因为受到不良的诱惑而走上犯罪的道路。和当时南美许多此类社会题材影片一样,如秘鲁的《格雷格里奥》,委内瑞拉的《我是罪犯》,哥伦比亚的《街童往事》等等,此片也是表现南美原住民少年在大城市里的种种诱惑下逐渐迷失原本善良的天性的,尽管此类题材现在已不是南美电影的主流,但作为时代剧它依然反映出了当时南美国家所普遍存在的一些社会问题,尤其是青少年问题。Ciro Cappellari was born in Buenos Aires