简介:A small-town crime boss accepts delivery of a stolen car, only to find there’s a baby in the back-seat. He and his transvestite “wife” cut out the boy’s tongue and raise him as a mute accomplice in their crimes. When the grown “Sonny Boy” escapes and trie
简介:解读马雅宫殿中神秘的文字密码人烟罕至的墨西哥丛林里,隐匿着庞大的马雅文明遗迹。金字塔的石造建筑雕刻着神秘的人像与精巧的文字,验证马雅王朝曾经辉煌的年代。两位伟大的考古学家在相隔一世纪之久的时间,前后深入探索这座失落的城市。经由他们解读马雅人所留下的建筑、碑文以及绘画艺术,串连起一页页古文明历史中失落的篇章,而以往世人认定马雅人精通天文历法以及爱好和平的天性,也将藉由他们的研究重新改写考古学历史。They would tantalize explorers for hundreds of years.
简介:Early in the 19th century, the fog that long had shrouded Mesopotamia began to lift, in large part due to French-born Austen Henry Layard. Journeying to the upper Tigris valley, Layard gained the right to excavate along the banks of the river, and discove