简介:在1563年特伦托会议(Council of Trent)的最后一次会议上,梵蒂冈神学家们坚决支持使用神圣图像和圣像,以对抗宗教改革对偶像崇拜的指控,这导致欧洲对美术的投资激增,包括首次囊括了女性艺术家。索福尼斯巴·安圭索拉(Sofonisba Anguissola)是第一位职业女性宫廷画家,她创作了大量描绘欧洲最杰出的贵族和政要的作品。但在她的整个职业生涯中,她一次又一次地回到最让她着迷的主题:她自己。《反宗教改革》是一部非传统的论文式纪录片,它厘清了政治、宗教、历史和自画像的线索,引导电影人审视她个人
简介:composed of five chapters based around a Christmas theme. Six women directors from all over the world are set to work on this production steered by Les Valseurs.
简介:A dragon queen and her chick are living peacefully on a mountaintop. While the queen is hunting, her chick is killed by a knight who takes the jewel from the chick's heart and makes it into a necklace which he gives to his princess. The princess is t
简介:Ivy Fisher is at the top of her game; A whip-smart, devastatingly attractive upstart business owner. She is your typical thirtysomething, with a stalled personal life and overactive career. But during a crucial investor meeting, Ivy's body begins to
简介:巴西影史最佳超现实主义电影之一,与Joaquim Pedro de Andrade的《Macunaima》不相上下,更值得一提的是这么NB的无政府主义电影居然出自一个女导演之手,那个时代巴西的女导演还真不多见,Ana Carolina属于巴西新浪潮一代中的特例了,此片又是由我最爱的巴西女星Norma Bengell主演的。找这片已经很久了,今日终于拿到。。。:Dhttp://www.ejumpcut.org/archive/onlinessays/JC22folder/BrazilFilmUpdate.