主演:David Masterson Stephen Patrick Hanna Gabrielle Miller Pete Riley
简介:In 2010 while finishing the documentary, SENSE OF SCALE, Berton Pierce started pre‐production on his first feature film, ADVENTURADOS. His desire was to make a “fun” sci fi dramedy about two characters. After four years of gathering the budget money (incl
简介:A boy receives an antique toy monkey for his birthday, the kind with the creepy eyes and two cymbals. All is not as it seems, because it may be possessed by the spirit of an evil demon, as every time the monkey claps his cymbals together, someone dies..!
简介:维生素,又称维他命,适量摄取可保持身体健康,而过量则会中毒。维生素已成为价值千亿美元的产业,Derek Muller博士讲述维生素的科学和历史,以及怎样合理摄取。Almost one billion of us take a regular dietary supplement, mainly vitamin tablets. Vitamins are enthusiastically endorsed by celebrities, and vitamin-fortified foods line o
简介:When Gem (Erica Hubbard) decided to invite her long-lost friend to be the Maid of Honor in her wedding, Allen (Brad James), her fiancé, had no clue he'd be meeting Kiya (Altovise Lawrence), a wildly outspoken lesbian novelist. Though an aspiring writ