简介:The film follows Agustina as she finds the videotapes that her father Jaime recorded before the accident that took his life. The family secrets surrounding Jaime push Agustina to get involved. Her search will reveal a story marked by sexuality and politic
主演:Paulina Gaitan Lia Marie Johnson Héctor Jiménez David Castro William Miller Paul Rodriguez Ilza Ponko
简介:After his first love breaks his heart, a young American singer reluctantly leaves his home in San Diego, California and embarks on an epic road trip through Baja with his uncle in order to reconnect with his Mexican roots and find himself.
简介:这是一个描述格罗丽娅(维多利亚·阿布里尔 Victoria Abril 饰)生活的故事,她从一个幸福的家庭陷入了困境之中。格罗丽娅的丈夫胡安在斗牛中受伤成为植物人后,她陷入了绝望和痛苦,开始酗酒,将家庭挥霍一空。在绝望之下,她离开了西班牙,前往墨西哥淘金,但最终沦为了妓女,替外国人提供性服务。在墨西哥,格罗丽娅卷入了黑帮的仇杀事件,一名美国警察在临死前将黑帮洗钱地点的名册交给了她。被遣送回国后,她回到了被自己抛弃的家,发现丈夫仍然没有康复,而婆婆胡莉娅只能通过给孩子们补课来勉强维持生计。格罗丽娅向婆婆保