简介:由Clutch City sports&Entertainment制作的纪录片,全方位地回顾了NBA赛场上休斯顿火箭队在07~08赛季创造惊人的22连胜的故事。在经历了上赛季的季后赛一轮游之后,火箭队决定将球队的管理层和教练团队进行更换,由此,火箭队迎来了一个新时代。在当季的比赛中,火箭队饱受新团队磨合期的煎熬,终于在赛季中期开始了一波连胜,但是随着姚明宣布赛季报销,这支火箭队再次不被看好,但是在逆势之中,这支队伍抱着坚毅的求胜态度冲出了狂野的西部赛区,硬是将连胜扩大至22场(在当时的NBA历史中
简介:Lavina retires and buys a house in a small city in the middle of a Brazilian savanna. Not even grass could grow on the degraded soil of the backyard. So she starts to plant an agroforestry garden offering each seedling to a loved one who passed away.
简介:Within Kew Gardens stands an extraordinary gallery, celebrating the work of one of the most prolific botanical artists of the Victorian age. At a time when women barely left their parlour rooms, Marianne North's globetrotting exploits defied conventi
简介:The premise is that Kari's artist boyfriend (who'd look like a low-rent Charlie Sheen, if Charlie Sheen himself didn't fit that category) can neither paint nor get it on with his ridiculously good-looking girl - until the day that he throws
简介:禁忌性话题是 iFC 出品的一个纪录片系列,包括三部分:1 禁忌 2 未成年性行为 3 马赛克的应用sonychen reviews1.Taboos of Sex ...---------------------------------------2.Underage sex is one of the most taboo topics on screen. Indie Sex: Teens presents the history and role of teenage sex and