简介:Plot Synopsis: The actual experiences of New York City subway riders are dramatized in a collection of 10 intriguing and very different vignettes. The tales showcase an ensemble of familiar faces, and range from stories of compassion and love to reflectio
简介:Combining fictional characters with archival footage, Chelsea on the Rocks is a look at the famous (or is that infamous?) Chelsea Hotel, where the bohemian clientèle has been immortalized in song and story. The Chelsea's history is both sparkling and
简介:1975年11月2日,意大利著名导演帕索里尼的尸体在罗马近郊奥斯蒂海滩被发现,死前明显受到过暴力攻击。在此之前他刚刚完成那部常被评为世界十大禁片之首的《索多玛的120天》。由于凶手被传闻是一名17岁的男妓,这个悲剧被染上香艳色彩,也有人猜测这位意见领袖的死亡完全是政治阴谋,而事情真相至今仍是个谜。影片择取的正是帕索里尼(威廉·达福 Willem Dafoe)被害前的最后一天。导演平静安宁的和心爱的母亲、前男友、还有《索多玛120天》的女演员用餐,与亲密的朋友聚会并分享最近的电影构思,然后驾着车穿梭在男妓
简介:Piazza Vittorio is the biggest square in Rome. Both the square and the adjacent districts of the Esquiline stand out for the multiethnic variety of their inhabitants. Here, in fact, we find a range of ethnic groups from nearby and far away: Romans, Asians