简介:An Italian revenge- themed crime film. A young man tries to rob a jewellery store but gets caught and sent to prison. Inside he befriends a crime boss and they break out together. After this comes the first plot twist which I'm not going to reveal...
简介:第二次世界大战期间,盟军与德军在意大利某小镇展开惨烈的拉锯战。在盟军的猛烈进攻下,小镇濒临沦陷,可是在这紧要关头,一名国防军的士兵上演了一夫当关万夫莫开的精彩戏码。他是年轻英俊的弗里德里克·佐勒(丹尼尔·布鲁赫 Daniel Brühl 饰),是一名百步穿杨的神枪手。弗里 德里克占据了钟楼的有利位置,仅凭手中的一杆枪击退了盟军一波又一波的攻势,钟楼之下,尸横遍野,令盟军将军( 博·史文森 Bo Svenson饰)气急败坏。短短的三天,有如漫长的三百年,300名美军的尸体成就了弗里德里克的荣耀和骄傲。本片
简介:“Ashes from the sky“ is a naturalistic comedy about the love of nature and the inability of man to conquer the forces of development. In a paradisiacal valley crowned by a thermal power station, a villager (“Federico” - Celso Bugallo) has spent 30 years f
简介:A young driver, an elderly passenger and a coffin haphazardly tied in the trunk, find themselves in a taxi. The ride becomes a dreamlike peregrination and the two men are transported to strangely real places where the memories of a whole life, most often