简介:丽维(英格丽·褒曼 Ingrid Bergman 饰)是一个非常美丽的女人,她和丈夫罗杰(安东尼·奎恩 Anthony Quinn 饰)结婚多年,夫妻两人一直十分的恩爱。罗杰是一名老师,最近,他打算写一本书,来总结一下自己漫长的教育生涯。于是,夫妻两人来到了一座偏僻但是宁静美丽的小镇中,打算在这里度过一段悠闲的时光。入住没多久,罗杰就投入了写作的工作中去,留下丽维一个人每天在村子里闲逛。在这里,丽维结识了名叫维尔的男人。维尔热情的带着丽维在村里四处游览,还经常到丽维家拜访罗杰,随着时间的推移,维尔和丽维
简介:The 500,000 strong Napoleon's army moves through Russia and causes much destruction culminating in the battle of Borodino. The Russian army has to retreat. Moscow is occupied, looted and burned down, but soon Napoleon loses control and has to flee. B
主演:Ludmila Savelyeva Sergey Bondarchuk Vyacheslav Tikhonov Viktor Stanitsyn Kira Golovko
简介:Napoleon's tumultuous relations with Russia including his disastrous 1812 invasion serve as the backdrop for the tangled personal lives of two aristocratic families.
简介:玛丽拉(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)是一位在行业内声名显赫的电影明星,在一场宴会上,一起死亡事件的发生让她陷入了危险的境地。原来,死者死于一杯毒酒,而这杯毒酒本应被玛丽拉饮下。警方迅速介入了调查,随着线索的展开,玛丽拉的丈夫杰森(洛克·哈德森 Rock Hudson 饰)成为了终点怀疑对象。不幸的是,事情并没有就此终结,神秘的匿名电话,诡异的敲诈字条,在巨大的压力之下,玛丽拉的精神迅速濒临着崩溃的边缘。杰森真的是凶手吗?又是谁对玛丽拉有着如此的深仇大恨呢?聪明的马普尔小姐(安吉
主演:凯莉·林奇 巴瑞·塔布 Ron Sloan 拉里·波恩德克斯特 Lupe Amador Peter McPherson Vanessa Conti Dianne Turley Travis Stanley Grover Gene Knight Tony Markes Cindy Guyer Queenie Susan Sherriffe Jean St. James
简介:A woman tries to kill herself and ends up in the hospital. She escapes and wanders into the desert. There she comes upon a roadside bar where she gets extremely drunk with the locals and a mysterious man, who seems to be shy of policemen. She wakes up in