简介:Chuy, a corrupt embalmer, has a supernatural gift. In his esoteric relationships with those souls who are no more here, he re-encounters Kevin, an old buddy illuminated by religious phraseology who will lead him on a wild personal transformation path. Jos
简介:Synopsis Istituto Luce, one of the oldest and most important public film institutions in the world, with one of the richest and most valuable archives of images and memories, celebrates
简介:巴西最杰出的纪录片大师Eduardo Coutinho的新作,混合纪实的访谈场景与根据人物对话而拍摄的故事情节,讲述不同年龄层的巴西女性的生活经历,甜酸苦咸与悲喜交集,一切徐徐道来。官网:http://www.cinemaemcena.com.br/jogodecena/Following a newspaper ad, ordinary women tell part of their life stories to director Eduardo Coutinho, which are then
简介:价值连城的红宝石失窃,这宗案件被众多报社争相报道。每日公报的主编觉得自己手下的记者写出来的文章实在是太无聊了,抓不住读者的眼球,于是请来了闻名业内的天才记者乔治(乔尔·麦克雷 Joel McCrea 饰)为自己撰写新闻。乔治自认为是一名大预言家,曾经屡次精准的预测过犯罪事件的发生。这一次,乔治认为盗窃宝石的,是大家都以为已经死去的大盗博尔利。某日,乔治在路上遇到了一个名为克莱尔(琪恩·亚瑟 Jean Arthur 饰)的女人。衣衫褴褛的克莱尔向乔治求助,于心不忍的乔治伸出了援手,哪知道就此被卷入了一个巨
简介:Set in Paris during World War I. Lili Smith/Schmidt is a German spy being requested to go under cover to help Germany during the war, to try and find out their plans. Her "uncle" wishes her to fulfill the operation, whereas one of his colleagues