简介:Bubbles' band "The Shitrockers" lands a European tour but gets kicked off, forcing them to busk. Randy is their roadie. Can Ricky and Julian save them from the streets of Prague?
简介:The Summer Book tells the life affirming story of a young girl and her grandmother as they spend a summer on a tiny, unspoiled island in the Gulf of Finland. The novel distills the essence of the summer into 21 vignettes and has been translated into 35 la
主演:斯文·雷根纳 Jakob Ilja Richard Pappick Maike Rosa Vogel Florian Horwarth Isolation Berlin Von wegen Lisbeth Steiner & Madlaina Ansa Sauermann
简介:»Let me know if you love me«: Charly Hübner looks at the past and present of the band Element of Crime. Since their formation in 1985, Element of Crime have been a constant in the German musical firmament. They’re seen as the best-known unknown or the lea
简介:When his housemate dies under mysterious circumstances, Nic Cross inherits a mysterious pyramid-shaped contraption left at the scene, unwittingly summoning a cult of wolf-people who dwell in the dark underbelly of London. As Nic's path crosses with three
简介:1914年夏天,伦敦一所单身公寓。芭蕾舞女演员塞瑞拉·安布罗斯(克莱尔·布鲁姆 Claire Bloom饰)在自己的房间里,打开煤气企图自杀。万幸的是,喝得醉醺醺,刚回家的邻居卡尔费罗(查理·卓别林 Charles Chaplin饰)正好救了她。等赛瑞拉苏醒以后,卡尔费罗才得知她是因为患了风湿不能再跳舞,才产生轻生的念头。而卡尔费罗曾经是一名伟大的喜剧演员。他悉心的照料着赛瑞拉,并用自己的滑稽喜剧打消了她自杀的想法。六个月后,赛瑞拉重新成功的站了起来,并在一出芭蕾剧中担当重要角色。可赛瑞拉却与一名作曲家陷
简介:年轻的法国姑娘马莉(艾德娜·珀薇安丝 Edna Purviance 饰)同名为约翰(卡尔米勒 Carl Miller 饰)的小伙子相爱了,可是这段感情却遭到了他们的家人的反对。于是,约翰和马莉相约私奔前往巴黎。然而就在约定的那一夜,约翰的父亲不幸身亡,约翰没有能够赴约。马莉以为约翰变了心,在悲伤和痛苦之中独自一人前往巴黎。一晃眼数年过去,马莉成为了大亨皮埃尔(阿道夫·门吉欧 Adolphe Menjou 饰)的地下情人,整日过着醉生梦死的生活。某日,她竟然在街头和约翰重逢了,此时的约翰只是一介名不见经传
简介:流浪汉查理(查理·卓别林 Charlie Chaplin 饰)随队伍来到阿拉斯加淘金。他在一间小木屋里碰见了通缉犯拉逊,接着淘金人吉姆也闯进来,并抢走了拉逊的枪。拉逊出去找食物时发现了吉姆正在开发的金矿,于是他没回木屋。小木屋里,饥肠辘辘的查理煮了皮鞋充饥,饿的神智恍惚的吉姆却把查理想象成火鸡追杀。突然,一头熊撞进来,两人一起把熊打死,饱餐之后分道扬镳。吉姆发现了拉逊占了自己的金矿坑,拉逊将他打昏,不料却在逃跑时掉下深谷。查理在小镇邂逅舞女乔治亚(乔治亚·黑尔 Georgia Hale 饰),帮她摆脱暴
简介:When Charlie the Tramp wanders into a mission he is smitten by Edna and puts back the collection box which he has taken. Reformed, he becomes a policeman and is assigned to rough-and-tumble Easy Street. Unable to trick or beat Eric the Tough, he puts Eric