主演:Petr Kopriva 玛尔塔·库碧索娃 Hana Kuberová Jan Klusák Karel Gott Vladimir Preclik Josef Konícek Denisa Dvoráková Jiri Reichel Jana Hana Duffková Zdena Korcáková Jan Krumbach Alena Cepková Pavel Bosek Zdenek Fanta Jirí Mucha Ferdinand Havlík 伊特卡·采尔霍娃 伊万娜·卡尔班诺娃 Ev
简介:捷克新浪潮的早期经典,Jan Nemec作品,主演里居然有英国著名导演Lindsay Anderson。。。http://www.pecina.cz/files/www.ce-review.org/01/17/kinoeye17_hames.htmlThis romance is comprised of three tales representing different aspects of love: temptation, dreams, and adventure. In the first
简介:Jan Němec's original proposal in 1966 to adapt Kafka's Metamorphosis as a theatrical feature was rejected by the Czech state film board. In 1974, he was forced into exile -- first seeking refuge in Germany:CER: What impact did emigration from C