主演:谢尔盖·帕拉杰诺夫 Hakob Karapetyan Irina Pavlova Zara Jian 阿尔塔瓦斯德·佩莱希扬 阿里·哈姆拉耶夫 Lora Guerra Levon Abrahamyan 阿托姆·伊戈扬 埃米尔·库斯图里卡 塔西姆·辛 Joel Chapron 丘尔潘·哈马托娃
简介:The author of the film decides to leave the country where she lives, in connection with the outbreak of the dramatic events, and return home to Armenia in search of a worthy example and solutions on how to live on. Paradjanov’s house becomes a place of in
简介:当阿塞拜疆微图画家布约科从巴黎的一个艺术画廊回来后,有一段时间他的灵魂竟然出窍,经历了一种暂时的死亡。从那以后,死亡的阴影就完全掌控了他,他再也不能创作了。The film “Toranj” is a symbolic religious and spiritual work. The theme of the film is about a famous painter, who senses death at his doorstep after returning from an exhibit
简介:A beautiful and moving film with some sequences of song and dumb-show leaving the spectator spellbound...a mix of the German sense of poetry and doom and of something almost like Bergman's Seventh Seal. Fine black and white photography, proper attent