主演:Sandra Bahr Gamma Bak Wicki Bernhardt György Kozma Hans Krüger Günther Lindner Volker Ludwig Herbert Reck Steffen Reck Rüdiger Wehling Jochen Wermann
简介:Paranoia, depression and love. About a time when the directors Gamma Bak (West Berlin) and Steffen Reck (East Berlin) had a cross-border relationship - despite the Berlin wall - and the guilt and sense of betrayal resulting from being forced to defect in
简介:Henry lies at the side of the road, bleeding out from a gunshot wound. A young mother with a bizarre sense of appropriate uses his final moments as a teachable lesson for her 6 year old son.
简介:阳光明媚的一天,身着华美服装的奥莉弗(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)轻松走在街头。她超凡的气质引起了大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)和布鲁托(加斯·维基 Gus Wickie 配音)这对冤家兄弟的注意,他们一路尾随,寻找向姑娘搭讪的机会。正在此时,奥莉弗转入一家医院。两个家伙想了一会儿,决定装病潜入医院。说干就干,卜派和布鲁托嚎叫哀鸣,引来身穿护士服的奥莉弗的注意。当然他们的演技太差,奥莉弗告诉他们只有病得很重的情况下才能来医院,随后转身闭锁大门。看在爱情的份上,
简介:又是一个新年之夜,小镇飘着鹅毛大雪,街道建筑银装素裹,格外美丽。布鲁托(加斯·维基 Gus Wickie 配音)和大力水手卜派(杰克·梅瑟 Jack Mercer 配音)十分难得没有打架,他们头戴礼帽、身穿燕尾服,驾驶着一辆驯鹿拉的雪橇,一边欢歌一边前行。他们即将前往奥莉弗(梅伊·奎斯托尔 Mae Questel 配音)的家,约她一同参加新年舞会。两人来到门前,奥莉弗听力不大灵光的奶奶给开门。过了一会儿,身着礼服的奥莉弗出现在楼梯口,正当他们要出门时,卜派却突然停下脚步。他不愿在新年之夜将奶奶孤独地留在家
主演:Erin Margurite Carter Grace Glowicki Dan Beirne
简介:Ronnie lost her brother, Faye lost her first love. These two best friends take off on a debaucherous road trip to the mountains to get over the death of the guy they both loved.