简介:This heartfelt documentary delves into the lively bond between Milvi, an unconventional grandmother, and her granddaughter Emili, a dedicated theatre student. Each Sunday, they gather for meals, watch sports while using the cozy apartment as their secret
主演:Lies Visschedijk Romana Vrede 彼得·勃洛克 弗洛里安·雷吉蒂 贾德·奥利伯格 Bram Suijker Soumaya Ahouaoui Emma Buysse 克里斯·彼得斯 Celion Kerk 巴特·克莱文 Mustafa Duygulu Fahd Larhzaoui
简介:A Dutch prosecutor and detective investigate financial crimes among wealthy elites. As the cases blur work and life, she must trust her instincts to uncover a conspiracy protecting ill-gotten fortunes at all costs.
主演:伊斯梅尔·哈基 Carol Abboud Motaz Faez Basha Isa Demlakhi Feyyaz Duman Nisreen Faour Ossama Mahmud Himeli Ahmad Husrom Tuka Naal Firas Taybeh
简介:This is a story about pain, search for meaning in life and friendship of orphaned. Syrian boys - Isa, Ahmed and Muataz - who live a difficult life as refugees in the magical, mythical Turkish city of Sanliurfa. In their search for recovery from traumatic
主演:尼克·史密斯 Peter Valdron Margaryta Soldatova Dylan Lloyd Paige Falardeau Anna Carr Kameryn Carr Thia Sterling Scott Milton James Weicht Simon De Cicco Steve Kasan Jessica Chin King Yosuke Kumai Vikki Lenola
简介:After receiving word of his estranged mother's untimely passing, a reluctant former army lieutenant must travel to a secluded town in the Pacific Northwest to unlock the mystery surrounding her suspicious death.