简介:I'LL SING FOR YOU is the musical odyssey of African Blues singer Boubacar "KarKar" Traoré that takes us on a social, political and geographic voyage of Mali from 1960 to today.In the sixties, the people of Mali awoke each morning to the so
简介:在2006年的安古兰漫画节上,玛格丽特凭借《约普城的阿娅》(Aya de Yopougon)获得了最佳漫画处女作奖,后来这个描写非洲市民生活的成人漫画成为了其代表作。今年我们有幸见到由玛格丽特和她的丈夫共同执导的《约普城的阿娅》动画电影问世。因为玛格丽特本人就出生在非洲的科特迪瓦,自然对这片象牙海岸充满了深情。像这样描写其他我们所不熟悉的国家的写实主义影片是最应该牢牢抓住的,因为它既是一个动画片,也是一个纪录片,能为我们带来那异域的独特风情。
简介:The thrumming mean streets of Mali’s capital, Bamako, are the setting for writer/director Coulibaly’s gritty drama. A palpable urgency accompanies his take on the transformation of a lowly bus driver into a successful drug dealer headed for a fall… “Like
简介:Hamalla is banished from his village in Mali, due to ancient prejudices. He returns four years later versed in modern technology at a time in which the village's future hangs on the brink as the holy well of the ancestors, symbol of the spirituality