简介:这部影片是基于Momrajawong Kukrit Pramoj的同名小说改编,94年向世界各地发行后,被认定是剽窃之作。这部小说多处情节抄袭John Wyndham的小说《Midwich镇的杜鹃》(The Midwich Cuckoos),后者早在1960年就被拍成电影《Village of the Damned》并在1995年进行了重拍。在泰国的传统节日——水灯节(Loy Kratong)这天,Bangpleng小镇的镇民齐聚在河边,以放水灯的形式许下愿望。这一天是满月,校长(其妻已有身孕)向Som
简介:Noi runs a rural bar and guesthouse called the Paradise Hotel. He tends bar and arm wrestles any challengers. The hotel, which has only one room, already has a guest, a man named Chana.Chana is annoyed that the hotel plays host to various musical groups,