主演:Tatiana Dantas Eva de Oliveira Luiz Dias Alan Fontaine Cristina Keller Teka Lanza Oasis Minniti Dinéia Ramos Marineide Vidal
简介:巴西超现实主义CULT情色片讲述两女一男在一个孤岛上的奇异事件。A top-bizarre surreal film from brazil, this one having something to do with people being shipwrecked on an island where a tall, ugly, and hairy cavemantype guy is on the prowl two naked women who grew up on the island try
简介:一个夏日多雨的夜晚,一群年轻人来到一个由防空洞改造的名叫Phobos的俱乐部。一开始一切都很正常,但不久地堡的门突然被锁,这些年轻人被困在地下,没有光,也无法对外联系。他们先是开开玩笑,没有意识到危险的发生,接着他们开始害怕。他们不得不在离开地堡前,克服自己的恐惧。(文:life_is_good@YDY)Rainy summer evening... Young people are arriving at the new trendy club named Phobos which is still
主演:Rastislav Jovic Maja Dimitrijevic 亚历山大·奥格尼诺维奇 吕毕莎·约万诺维奇 Gordana Kovacevic Dragomir Felba Miodrag Lazarevic Aleksandar Stojkovic Karlo Bulic Branko Djordjevic Dusan Dobrovic Ognjanka Het Blazenka Katalinic Jovan Nikolic Marija Taborska Milutin Mica Tatic
简介:Instead of going to Belgrade, a boy called Mita joins illegal movement. Germans, who occupied Belgrade in the meantime, start to hunt down communists. Many of them are killed, but Mita succeeds to get to the freed land together with a girl who was going t
简介:在2006年的安古兰漫画节上,玛格丽特凭借《约普城的阿娅》(Aya de Yopougon)获得了最佳漫画处女作奖,后来这个描写非洲市民生活的成人漫画成为了其代表作。今年我们有幸见到由玛格丽特和她的丈夫共同执导的《约普城的阿娅》动画电影问世。因为玛格丽特本人就出生在非洲的科特迪瓦,自然对这片象牙海岸充满了深情。像这样描写其他我们所不熟悉的国家的写实主义影片是最应该牢牢抓住的,因为它既是一个动画片,也是一个纪录片,能为我们带来那异域的独特风情。