主演:Jeff Probst Jill Behm Jimmy Johnson Dan Lembo Matthew Lenahan Brenda Lowe Na Onka Mixon Marty Piombo Chase Rice Yve Rojas Kelly Shinn James Tarantino Jud Birza Tyrone Davis Jane Bright Wendy DeSmidt-Kohloff Alina Wilson Shannon Elkins Holly Hoffman Kelly
简介:The documentary of the Blockbuster sleeper, Kill Bill Vol. 1, and how it was made. There is Quentin Tarrantino, the director and writer of the movie, Uma Thurman, who plays "The Bride", the sort of Hero/Anti-hero of the film when she was betraye
简介:【布偶綠野仙蹤】的故事自然是改編自 L. Frank Baum 的不朽名著《綠野仙蹤》(The Wonderful Wizard of Oz),這故事有過多次拍成各類題材的紀錄,這次以布偶方式呈現,而且是一部歌舞片。故事由堪薩斯女孩 Dorothy 被龍捲風颳走說起,她降落在一個神奇的國度 Oz ,為了回家她必須沿著黃色道路一路通往翡翠王國,找法力高強的魔法師幫忙,途中她先後遇到了三位同伴-希望得到智慧的稻草人、希望得到心智的錫人,以及希望得到勇氣的獅子,但又要提防邪惡的西方女巫找麻煩…在【布偶綠野仙蹤】