简介:In 1988 the British director Cynthia Beatt, who is based in Berlin, embarked on a journey into little-known territory. She filmed Tilda Swinton as they followed the Berlin Wall, capturing the inward-looking West Berlin and the over-the-Wall views of East
主演:John Waters Wieland Speck 赖纳·维尔纳·法斯宾德 Ingrid Caven Derek Jarman Tilda Swinton Gordon Warnecke Rosa von Praunheim Jennifer Morris Rob Epstein Lulu Marc Huestis Joseph F. Lovett Craig Chester Divine
简介:银幕上的蒂妲丝云顿从不甘于被困于框框内。在《黑色芳心》里她演的律师正遴选委任为法官,但在法庭以外的她却别有癖好。她对自己的身体份外着迷、对一切充满疑惑,尤其是她跟情人的关系。她也沉醉于名贵化妆品与华衣美服之中。其实这些都不算什么癖好,直至她迷上刚搬入她所住的大厦的精神科女医生。屋漏更兼逢夜雨,自此她的烦恼接踵而来,她那正准备完成博士论文的妹妹又因窃盗癖再次被捕。影片改编自精神分析学家 Louise J. Kaplan 的销畅非小说,成为紧凑慑人的情欲疑团,一步一惊心。
简介:A look at the life of the German-born actress, model and singer from her role in Andy Warhol's 1960s scene, her participation with the Velvet Underground, her addiction to heroin and, ultimately, the accident that claimed her life.