简介:倒霉的比利(文森特•加洛 Vincent Gallo 饰)替人顶罪蹲了5年牢,今天,他出狱了。可是他的霉运似乎还没有结束,刚出狱的比利内急想上厕所小便时,不是厕所维修就是被拒绝;即使鬼鬼祟祟的躲到汽车后面想就地解决时汽车也马上开走了。比利和双亲的关系并不好,但他一直想修复与父母的关系。即使坐牢,比利也想方设法瞒着家里,他告诉他们这5年自己在外打拼,已功成名就,并承诺将带着女友回家。为了实现承诺,他“绑架”了一名女孩蕾拉作为自己的女友。可是,当比利带着蕾拉回到家里时,事情并没有预想中顺利。
简介:Living with her father and stepmother in Naples, Anna is very unhappy as her stepmother hinders her attempts to live her own life. While her parents are away, she goes out with Carlo, but finds herself locked out when she comes home. This angers Carlo and
简介:Based on Nikolai Gogol's story with the location changed from Russia to Italy and the time changed to the present (1952), the story is about a poor city-hall clerk (Renato Rascel) whose only desire is for a new overcoat. The town Mayor (Giulio Stival
简介:It's summer again, and everyone's favorite Junior Rescuers, The Flounders, are back at Tower 2. With the International Junior Rescue Championships headed to Southern California, the eyes of the entire planet are on Malibu Beach. But when Team US
简介:退休的火箭工程师史老先生(Henry O 饰)来到美国,看望阔别十二年之久的女儿宜兰(俞飞鸿 饰),经历了离婚的女儿近几年一直没有再婚的打算,这让史老颇为纠结。白天女儿上班时,史老试图与年轻的美国邻居交谈,但语言与文化隔阂让史老只能停留在孤独的世界里。由于工作的特殊性,史老与宜兰一直缺乏沟通,美国之行也并没能改善两人的关系,所幸史老结识了一位伊朗老妇,他们时常用生疏的英语交流,而老妇最近喜得孙子让史老两相对照之下黯然神伤。史老发现了宜兰与一位有家室的俄罗斯男子前景黯淡的交往,情急之下开口质问,才明白女儿不