简介:1、城市的梦想巴黎,这座遐尔闻名的历史名城及现代化国际大都市,以她独有的、非凡的城市建设规划艺术魅力在世界城建史中占有极其重要的地位,为人类文明史书写了光辉灿烂的一页。翻开历史的巨卷,一个两千多年以西岱岛为中心,占地面积仅约0.5hm2的渔民小村镇,经过世世代代的兴亡盛衰、繁衍发展,最终成为一座现代化大都市。巴黎城市历史的沿革和变迁以及她的建设和发展为人类现代大都市的规划、建设和发展提供了全面的思考、借鉴和经验。2、鲜血和巧克力巴黎的历史从公元前3世纪末开始,法兰西岛/城市的海岛(le de la
简介:In consequence of a violent incident that occurred when is son was a toddler, Luc Bisaillon has lost the right to be in Samuel’s life. Years later, Luc desperately wants to form a bond with his teenage son before it’s too late. But after being arrested fo
简介:“Will be at the cinema Sunday night. Sorry”, this is what Manon, 18 years old, writes to her father after a year of absence. Pierre, the father and Ariane, his girlfriend, wait for her at the cinema. Ariane plays the different possible arrival of his
简介:Ricardo recounts the adventures of his 21 year old self, when he went to Italy following love.Middle aged Ricardo Trogi continues to recount key periods of his formative years. This time, the year is 1991 and he's a twenty-one year old student in th