简介:When the world is in danger, superheroes come to rescue humanity. they are stronger, faster, smarter than ordinary people and are willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. But what would happen if superheroes would not be around, and the wor
简介:Deramo, kind, but simple-hearted king of Serendippe, wishes to marry. But here's the problem: how to find out which of the contenders really loves Deramo, and which one simply counts on the royal throne? The wizard Durandarte gives the king a statue
简介:Birchpunk 发布了关于《俄罗斯赛博农场》系列的续集——这一次的情节致力于人类和机器人之间的友谊。在视频中,农民 Nikolay 带领机器人检查员参观了他的财产:分形黄瓜、薛定谔的萝卜、莫比乌斯胡萝卜、“我们不再需要污水池”,不能吃的马铃薯获得 AI 俄罗斯奖提名。在机器人检查员和农民之间,一场关于新技术的真诚对话开始了。视频的最后是一段感人至深的朋友送别:尼古拉邀请AI-Vanich再次前往“沙漠蠕虫”,并赠送礼物作为纪念品。