简介:Dido and Aeneas的故事情节取自古罗马诗人维吉尔的长诗,以非洲迦太基传说的爱情故事为背景─迦太基女王狄多(Dido),和特洛伊王子阿尼亚斯(Aeneas)之间产生了一段异国恋情,但是阿尼亚斯身负重任,他必须率领经过希腊人浩劫之后存活下来的特洛伊人,前往意大利重新建立国家,于是阿尼亚斯不得不放下他和狄多女王之间的爱情,继续他的复国计划;由于先前狄多女王已经对阿尼亚斯投入了很深的感情,所以在阿尼亚斯坚持离去之后,专情的狄多女王也只有选择殉情的方式,表达她的悲伤。
简介:Best Friends since childhood, Jack, Steve and Larry found St. Louis an unlikely spot for the Pope's annual pilgrimage. Raised on the streets the three boiys survived the harsh winters and harsher summers cheering their beloved Rams, Blus and Cards...
简介:A sharp, witty, mind-expanding and exuberant foray into the world of logic with computer scientist Professor Dave Cliff. Following in the footsteps of the award-winning 'The Joy of Stats' and its sequel, 'Tails You Win - The Science of Chan
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