主演:Macdonald Carey Jerry Hardin Jane Wiley Alan Blanchard Gregory Clemens John Coats Steven Schrader Michael Driscoll Matt Oppenheimer Hausman De Pass James Driscoll Mark Paskos Arem Fisher Douglas M. Kelley III Marilyn Franks Robert D.E. Alexander Robert D.
简介:The tranquil life of a lighthouse keeper and his family is disrupted when a flying saucer and its alien inhabitants invade.当一个飞碟和它的外来居民入侵时,一个灯塔守护者和他的家人平静的生活就中断了。
简介:50年代西班牙经典的弗拉门戈电影之一,导演José María Forqué的处女作,主演是当时很有名的弗拉门戈舞蹈家Antonio和Xan das Bolas,另外还有著名女歌手María Dolores Pradera等人。与其他弗拉门戈电影相比,这片的特点在故事中加入了些超现实的元素,而不是纯粹的写实派。Jose Maria Forque is a prolific director of Spanish feature films and television programs, he made