- 2015 / 墨西哥,法国
- 主演:Nancy Talamantes Óscar Torres Leidi Gutiérrez José Santillán Cabuto Edward Coward Alicia Quiñonez Raquel Presa Susana Perez Gisela Madrigal Jorge Calderon Felipe Tututi Barush Martinez Yesenia Meza Santiago Silva Garcia Daniel Rodiguez Huanosto
- 简介:“The Chosen Ones” turns on 15-year-old, Ulises, who is being groomed by his father to enamor young girls, tricking them into prostitution. But he falls in love with Sofia, his first victim, who’s just 14. To save her, his father demands he seduces a secon
- 1963 / 意大利,法国
- 主演:索菲娅·罗兰 马塞洛·马斯楚安尼 阿尔多·久弗瑞 阿戈斯蒂诺·萨尔维耶蒂 LinoMattera 泰克拉·斯卡拉诺 SilviaMonelli 卡洛·克罗科洛 PasqualeCennamo ToninoCianci 阿尔芒多·特罗瓦偌力 蒂娜·皮卡 GianniRidolfi GennaroDiGregorio
- 简介:名导演维托里奥·德·西卡所导演的本片是一部群星喜剧戏,它可以分为三部。第一部讲述的是,一个在黑市里专门卖外国香烟的女人从未尝过铁窗的滋味,因为当时法律规定不逮捕怀孕的妇女和产后六个月的妇女。所以在产后,就催丈夫作爱,因此逃过了入狱的命运,不过最后因怀孕失败还是走进了监狱。第二部讲述一位富婆迷恋比她年轻的作家,二人一次开着高级轿车兜风,因二人气氛热烈而导致撞车,富婆顿觉索然无味,遂拦车扬长而去。第三部讲述一位高级妓女与一位神学院的学生相恋,妓女摆脱了恩客的纠缠,但经不住神学院学生的老父母恳求而不得不与学生分
- 2005 / 德国
- 主演:Matthias Rödig Peter Lindemann Memo Mengücek
- 简介:未知
- 2018 / 巴西
- 主演:Carlos Anisio E Rieg Rodig
- 简介:Following the projects of modernization of Brazil in the 70s, a busy road in the nearly-desert area of Brazil is detoured to a brand new highway, and a known roadside brothel called “Beiço de Estrada” (“Lower Lip of the Road”) faces its decadence. The own