简介:The plot is set in 1996. The protagonist is 15-year-old Valeska, who goes on holiday to Crete with her mother, her mum’s new boyfriend and the latter's daughter. First, Valeska is reluctant, but slowly, the two girls get to know and appreciate each other.
主演:Madeleine Barwén Trollvik Richard Sseruwagi Aliette Opheim Henrik Ståhl Ella Rae Rappaport
简介:Alone in Space is a high concept adventurous, warm and funny genre feature film that doesn't shy away from big questions about life and death. Alone in Space takes the audience on a ride with two kids lost in space, accompanied by a friendly alien.
简介:歌手Tee因为演唱了一首love song love series一炮而红。但是人红了各种事情也随之而来,Tee开始沉迷于ke 药耍大牌,虽然有个 温柔贤淑的女友Pai照顾身体不好的母亲,他仍然不知满足。直到最后母亲去世 ,他能醒过来吗? love song loves eries饰演男主的Hatto和女主Manao也成了新一代的银幕情侣。Hatto在和自己的助理交往,但却和Manao搞暧昧。 女作家Sammy是love song love series作者。希望做出让人幸福的歌曲和文章。但是她的人生却不
简介:在美国的Mid America Novelties公司专卖各种美国时髦搞怪小玩意儿,在美国这种小玩意儿因为文化而非常流行,而当你向地球的另一边的人民解释这些东西时就没有那么好玩了。Todd Donovan将由面对的情况便是如此,当他的公司送他到印度去掌管客服部门时,他的主要工作就变成了让下属们了解美国文化。