简介:Rodrigo, a film director, intends to make a film about the Conquest in a remote village in the Bolivian altiplano. Initially receptive to the idea, the Indian community living there reacts violently when some local wildlife is destroyed. Para recibir el c
主演:Baran Akbulut Özgür Akdemir Riza Akin Bülent Alkis Ufuk Bayraktar Ali Ersan Duru Serkan Ercan Koray Kadiraga Mert Karabulut Fatma Karanfil Celil Nalcakan Ali Oguz Senol Baris Çakmak Sevket Çoruh Emre Özcan
简介:恰纳卡莱之战又称加里波利之战(英文:Battle of Gallipoli),又称达达尼尔战役(Dardanelles Campaign),是第一次世界大战中土耳其加里波利(Gelibolu)半岛的一场战役。它始于一个英国法国联盟的海军行动,目的是强行闯入达达尼尔海峡,打通博斯普鲁斯海峡,然后占领奥斯曼帝国首都君士坦丁堡。在土耳其此战称为恰纳卡莱之战(土耳其语:Çanakkale Savaşlari)。在此次登陆战中,协约国方面先后有50万士兵远渡重洋来到加里波利半岛。近十一个月的战斗后,留下约131,
主演:Bulut Akkale Ece Baykal Reyhan Ilhan Seda Oguz Seyda Terzioglu Salih Usta Yavuz Çetin
简介:A woman has had her little child squashed and killed after the jins have turned the cabinet over him as she found out that this was not a coincidence or a matter of death and life rather a malignant black magic has been hatched to hunt their family.