简介:Set in rural Mexico, during the 50's, in a small town Jorge Bueno (Jorge Negrete) and Pedro Malo (Pedro Infante) are best friends, Pedro is in love with María, who is Jorge's sister, and Jorge is dating with Rosario which is Pedro's cousin.
主演:Oleg Menshikov Anzhela Belyanskaya Aleksandr Negreba
简介:Авторами фильма выбран эпиграф из 1-го послания к коринфянам апостола Павла: «Говорю вам тайну: не все мы умрём, но все изменимся».Действие происходит в конце 80-х годов, в СССР времён распада. У студента ВГИК Андрея Плетнёва, жизнь складывается вполне у
简介:A couple of gay men must break up due the impossibility of one of them to accept his homosexual condition. The farewell gets very difficult when the other one tries to convince him to accept himself and not to leave him.
主演:Audrey Grace Andrew Novell Steven McNeeley Lionel Washington III Ray Negrete Dillon Rust
简介:Ghostly delusions, spooked teens, and the paranormal haunt the viewer's mind in this psychological horror featuring a psychic detective who finds a flash drive containing filmed evidence of the demonic entity involved.