简介:Michael (21 years old), a young American, arrives moneyless to Medellin after having traveled all through South America as a backpacker. In Medellin, Michael meets a beautiful exotic girl named Melody (20 years old) who introduces him to her friends, a gr
简介:看剧情介绍有点让我想起索南拉斯的《旅程》,也是讲穿越南美大陆找寻心灵归属的故事,不同的是这片是讲一对父子离开布市前往秘鲁玻利维亚和厄瓜多尔的路上发生的事。由阿根廷著名女导演Jeanine Meerapfel执导,她曾凭借88年的《朋友》祸柏林和平奖。A young father takes his son on a journey away from Buenos Aires and through the strange and wondrous world of rural South Americ
简介:In the age of social media, this eye-opening documentary examines the rising phenomenon of “fake news” in the U.S. and the impact that disinformation, conspiracy theories and false news stories have on the average citizen. The film focuses on several high
主演:皮可·亚历山大 杰克·霍夫曼 Alessandra Mesa Ani Mesa Stanley Simons Liz Cameron Sonia Conlin Christine Lauer Harry Adam Cara Ronzetti Ashley Kalo Lianna Morra Delian Lincourt
简介:When Marian is on the run, she goes to the only place she knows is safe: her childhood home. She is greeted by her estranged sister, Vivian, a stay-at-home housewife struggling to conceive and on the verge of a failing marriage. Though the two are identic