简介:Kallang Roar the movie is a 2008 sports film based on Singapore national football team’s legendary coach Choo Seng Quee (played by Lim Kay Siu) takes its audience back to Singapore’s footballing heydays. It shows the string of events leading to Singapore
简介:In Central America they are referred to as the maras: modelling themselves on Los Angeles youth gangs, these groups are now spreading terror in El Salvador and further afield. A childhood at once terrifying and hateful but strangely captivating which typi
简介:As an agent for some of the top names in music and film, Johan’s job is to solve his clients’ private and professional problems. Chronically overstretched, but never short of ideas, he teeters breathlessly between ingenious plans and absolute chaos.
简介:沃尔特是一只养尊处优的小猫,它体态轻盈、乖巧伶俐,还有一位美丽的女朋友在身旁陪伴。不过世界没有完美的事情,唯一让沃尔特烦心的是家里还有一条讨人厌的小狗,它最爱做的事儿就是追着沃尔特及其女朋友满院子跑。每每走投无路或者挺到女友大声呼救时,无计可施的沃尔特就会陷入幻想。幻想中,它不再胆小怯懦,而是化身成为佐罗、罗宾汉、西部警长、骑士、泰山等等的英雄人物,与邪恶的狗狗展开激烈较量……本片根据吉姆斯•桑德(James Thurber)原著以及1947年的电影The Secret Life of Walter M
简介:Harper Grace is a manipulative queen bee at her local high school,but her popularity drops suddenly when the exchange student Kaia Sellers into the city.