简介:A mother, a daughter and a stranger from another land are thrown together on an unexpected road trip that takes them on a journey of love, humour and redemption.
简介:洛杉矶高速公路上发生数起汽车偷盗事件以及一起严重的交通事故,两名妙龄女孩在事故中丧生。警方通过对死者身份的调查,发现偷车案和车祸这两起事件背后隐藏着两个女性黑道组织的势力争斗。年轻美丽却桀骜不驯的寻街女警布兰蒂•马内斯(Melina Lizette 饰)在队长贝尼斯(Stephen Bauer 饰)的指示下,前往嫌疑人之一“妈妈”(Olivia Brown 饰)所开办的汽修店作卧底。经过一段时间调查,布兰蒂发现“妈妈”并非真正的幕后指示,一个绰号“骑士”(Anthony Ray Parker 饰)的家伙
简介:Misha, a sixteen year old living in St. Petersberg, has no luck with boyfriends and has given up on love. She meets Anya and falls fast for Anya, a girl two years younger. After experiencing the passion of first love, they discover the fathers' that
简介:《最后的探戈》由杰门·克拉尔执导,讲述了阿根廷最著名的探戈舞者玛利亚(Maria Nieves Rego)和胡安(Juan Carlos Copes)的生平和爱情故事。他们在少年时代相遇并一起跳舞了近五十年,直到痛苦的分离将他们撕裂。他们的故事传递给一群来自布宜诺斯艾利斯的年轻探戈舞者和编舞者,二人之间的激情、憎恶、背叛、隐瞒、共情,最终化为令人难忘的探戈编舞。