主演:Matthew Barney Sophie Calle Maurizio Cattelan Wim Delvoye 村上隆 Gregor Schneider Santiago Sierra
简介:「艺术猎艳」航游艺术界、穿越严阵以待的画商、收藏家与艺评家,试图进入诸名家艺术创作的核心。本系列的制作并非受艺评或评论所驱使,而是出自骨子里对艺术的好奇心。主持人或节目本身都不会提供观众任何结论,而是针对奇异强烈的艺术品,忠实呈现各种混杂冲突的意见。配置 独家台3区双碟收藏版+官方中文字幕影片简介:温‧德尔瓦 WIM DELVOYE! 这是粪便艺术吗? IS THIS SHIT ART?比利时温‧德尔瓦是全世界最鄙俗的艺术家,他创作了最恶名昭彰的现代艺术品:「坷耶卡」。这机械忠实复制人类
主演:Vinicio Marchioni Anna Foglietta Maurizio Tesei
简介:Marcello, Chiara, Mauro and Simona all live troubled lives in the same building on the outskirts of the city, along with the local ringleader, Carmine. Into the shifting sands of this perennially tragicomic humanity steps an eminently bourgeois professor
主演:塞尔瓦托·费卡拉 皮考尼 Anna Favella 托尼·斯佩兰迪奥 塞尔吉奥·弗里西亚 玛丽安娜·迪·马蒂诺 Mary Cipolla 菲利普·鲁纳 Rossella Leone Howard Thomas Ray Domenico Centamore Ciro Chimento Gino Carista MaurizioMarchetti 里奥·故罗塔 卡洛·卡尔德隆 MaurizioBologna
简介:The year is 2047. Our planet is ruled by the repressive Confederate Central Government . Ryan is a Green War rebel agent sent on a mission by Sponge to collect evidence against the CCG for its heinous crimes. Ryan soon faces the sinister Colonel Asimov,