简介:《圣诞颂歌》是英国作家查尔斯·狄更斯的小说名篇,主人公史高哲(Scrooge,又译“斯克鲁奇”)是个远近闻名的吝啬鬼,他刻薄、冷漠而又视财如命的形象让人记忆深刻。史高哲经营者一家账房,可是,有一天,他那死去的生意伙伴雅各布的鬼魂出现,改变了一切。In this adaptation of the Christmas story narrated by Charles Dickens himself (played by Gonzo the Great) with the occasional comme
简介:Meet Bookaboo, a world famous rock puppy who tours the globe with his bandmates, Paws and Growler, playing drums to packed stadiums of adoring fans. Just one hitch. Bookaboo can't play without a story a day. Luckily celebrity guests drop backstage on