简介:Happy End is a fairytale for adults. It’s about five people living in a world of shadows, lined by lies and falsities and only waiting for the truth to appear so that they may be able to continue their lives in another direction. Happy End is the third pa
简介:玛丽莲(嘉莲·维雅 Karin Viard 饰)是一名电台DJ,主持着一档深夜情感节目。每一天入夜,都会有许许多多被感情所困扰的听众打电话给玛丽莲,向她倾诉自己的烦恼,而玛丽莲则用她充满了智慧的回答和温柔的声音温暖着每一个委屈而又无助的人,随着时间的推移,玛丽莲渐渐成为了电台里的一把手。可实际上,没有人知道这个温柔声音背后的主人究竟长什么样子。现实里的玛丽莲一直过着形单影只的生活,她讨厌和人打交道,整天躲在自己装修高档的豪宅之中。玛丽莲自幼被母亲抛弃,从未见过母亲的模样,所以,当她得知了母亲的下落后,决
主演:亨利·路易斯·盖茨 Malik Kaddu Lamin Tamba Fabio Abraham Richard Leakey Kazeem Tosin Amore George Lamptey
简介:突破孤立隔绝、僵化不变的史学成见,Henry Louis Gates Jr.博士讲述从人类诞生到二十世纪,二十万年来非洲的文明进化。In his six-hour 3 part series, Africa's Great Civilizations, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th cent