简介:The story revolves around a retired judge, Mr. Nishanath Sen, who stays at a farm house called Golap Colony (The Rose Colony) at the outskirts of Calcutta. The people who stay in the colony are a strange melee of handicaps, social outcasts and ex-convicts
主演:盖·菲里 Donatella Arpaia 斯科特·科南特 Cat Cora Simon Majumdar Justin Warner 罗科·迪斯皮里托 Susan Feniger Lorena Garcia 卡拉·霍尔 Michael Mina Eric Ripert 马库斯·萨缪尔森 南希·西尔弗顿 Ming Tsai Michael White Jonathan Waxman 杰弗里·扎卡里安 安德鲁·齐默恩 埃里克·阿杰庞 Karen Akunowicz Kelsey Barnard Clark
简介:The servant boy, a minor, in a middle-class household dies mysteriously, locked in a kitchen. The happy contented family, a young couple and a child, is thrown into a psychological trauma revealing diverse shades of complexities of life in a given situati
简介:The film's story revolves around the family of the Qureshis and their pet goat. Circumstances result in goat acquiring rock star status in his village and beyond. Soon enough, people are fighting for a piece of the live goat. A rollicking climax ensu
简介:When a school teacher goes missing after a risqué video of her is posted on the internet, a police officer is huo87.com tasked with uncovering the truth behind her disappearance.
简介:The plot revolves around a man who runs a school called "Hemlock Society" which teaches aspirants how to successfully commit suicide. He develops a bond with one of its students, Meghna (Koel), a depressed and dejected woman, and what follows is